Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My weed is here to stay

Is a weed......................

Definition of weed (n)
unwanted plant: a plant, especially a wild plant, growing where it is not wanted.

Still a weed?

When given to you in precious hands?


Is it a Masterpiece.


For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.  Ephesians 2:10

I have weeds in my life.

Boy....oh.......big boy..............Do I have some hearty weeds.

There are days I can see my weed being handed to me by precious hands.

The hands of God. 

I often fight against those hands.  Who sets a planter of weeds at the entrance to their front door?

Those are the days God reminds me: " Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.”  

I have a persistent weed in my life. 

It returns like the dandelion after a good rain.  I can count on it like you count on the sun to rise and set.

I consider it my unanswered prayer.  I hate my weed!  I want it gone!

But, on the days precious hands are standing in front of me.... with a grip so tight yet so full of LOVE

I realize

Why weed stays.

Maybe there are moments I need to be those precious hands gripping weeds.....
running to someone else full of love. 

& you may notice  "look, she has my weeds too."

& you and I are united by our souls. 

the roots of our common weeds run deep.  We understand each other without a word.

Together we may possibly even make a masterpiece of our weeds.

We may not overcome our weed problem here on earth. 

And...........that is why we need one another. 

For the days you want to throw your hands up in the air and laugh at all the weeds.

For the days you can not disguise the weed no matter how hard you have tried.

For the days you want to swing at your weed with sharp knife.  And spray it with weed killer!

TWICE, heck Five times for good measure.

For the days your weeds seem so exposed and your neighbors all around have perfect yards.

I'll keep my weed.
I'll keep it .... even if it is to help only one other live with weeds and be alright.

God has let it stay so you can see through me His strength.

His weedy Masterpiece

John 16:33  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Missing the Son

I stood outside and watched a billow of smoke rise into the air.

Like every other citizen of Glencoe I found myself drawn to it. 

Unlike every other citizen of Glencoe I continued to be drawn to the field for several days after the controlled burned had long been put out and the spectators had long gone home.

I saw something in that burnt mess of a field.

I couldn't pin point what it was.

But it lured me in. 
No matter how hard I tried I could not capture what I saw in my mind to translate through my camera.
 I went home frustrated.

As I sat down to warm up with a cup of tea I noticed my open bible.
Hebrews 6 jumped off the page:  Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.
I had considered lack of sunshine partially responsible for my poor photos.
The picture I tried to capture was impossible.
The land had been missing the SON......and in the end was burned.
How often am I lured to a burning field? 
How often do I miss The Son? 
What type of field have I produced? 
 One that in the end will be burned?
Will I be the field  that will receive the blessing of God?
In the end I captured the picture God had in His mind for me to capture.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Messin' with a clean reality

My bedroom is downstairs. 
I reach some level of awareness, alertness, consciousness about the top step.
My pupils have just about dilated properly and begun to focus by the top step as well.
In my dreams....................I get to the top step every morning and this is what I see.
Don't be it is all a figment of my imagination.  A dream.  An oasis in the desert.
Because this my friends...............................
is reality.
I once had a grand idea that I would NEVER go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink.
I didn't do so well.
I have also attempted: 
"Leaving the mess. Enjoying my children now, because they grow up so fast.."
"Thank you God for my little darlings and the precious little messes they make."
But. Dang it. 
Sometimes I just want to have clean dishes.
This post should ease your mind that my life is clean and void of any mess....physical and otherwise! 
 I live in a messy reality.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hanging on by a very tiny seed

John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

It happens every year.   The first sun shinny day of the year I walk to my garden with eager anticipation to get the first glimpse of green springing out of the dreary ground.  And…..every year it hits me like a ton of bricks from the sky.  I look down and all I see is ground….. Dead, lifeless ground. The thoughts start zig zagging through my mind faster than a bee could buzz from flower to flower (if there were any)    My mind begins to play tricks on me.  I play through all things I could have done better last year to prevent the possibility of a doomed garden. 
It is then that I realize.  My thoughts have little to do with the flower that has not shown through and more to do with a lesson to me about faith.
The flower is there.  I planted it several years ago.  I covered it for the winter and even went so far as to mark it so I can protect it from my crazy moments of caffeinated weed pulling frenzies.  It is there.  It comes up every year. It is right beneath the soil.  It is just not quite time to rise up for the summer.
I have seen the flower every year and yet the absence of it for a few months plays with my mind and the unbelief it was never there or ever will be again.  I have the fortune of seeing it, touching it, smelling it every summer yet still struggle it will never exists again. 
It is no doubt then that I also  struggle with my faith in God from time to time.  I will have moments of early spring where it seems as though the winter has stripped me of life.
God is there.  God has always been there……God has planted himself into my heart.  God is just under the soil waiting for the right moment to spring forth.  I have to be careful to pull the weeds out around the flower and wait to see.
Until then I am hanging on by a very tiny seed.  But the bible assures that …..that is enough for today:  He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed…………………………..Nothing will be impossible for you.”  Matthew 17:20