Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't set up camp in the Valley

My happy shoes arrived!


Now, don't go thinking I believe a pair of shoes can bring happiness.

I am a little spiritually deeper than that.

It seems I have had a lot of these types of days
The kind where I know I am on this path for a reason. 
Although I wish I weren't
The kind where I hope to reflect back someday
& see
see & understand
Why I came across a barrier when I was certain I was on the right path

Why I found myself here..............
When I thought was going there

Why I don't even get the whisper from God
"I am here"
or a little reminder along the way

on the down right dirty days

I need happy shoes

Because dang it! 
I need to see that something that shouts_
"Girl tie up those laces and get going"
The bible says Thou I walk THROUGH the valley
not Thou I walk to the valley and set up camp!
I will not let myself be content in the valley

 Properly fitting Happy Shoes will make  the messy trip through a little brighter
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Prepare a Soldier - Proverbs 22:6

Recently our 9 year old son has had an increased awareness of Afghanistan and all things related to war.
right down to bathrooms out in the desert.

A calling is being showered over his life.

From the moment we knew of our first child I was determined to foster their goals.
I placed my trust in God and what He wants for my kids and I strive to not get in the way
too often.

There are the obvious things my kids will not get a green light to do
Sex, drugs and drinking

But, many other things are up for discussion

You want green hair? Fine.
You don't want to be a Pastor like your dad? That is alright too.
Missionary? Great.
Julia's first dream was to own a DQ and cut hair.
Then she wanted to be a marine biologist.
Did I say "That is impossible live in MN." No, I did not.
Julia now wants to move to France for a time and wear a cape.
I think this may actually really happen.

A Soldier?
This is different. This wanting and yearning to be a Solider has kind of thrown me for a loop.

I didn't imagine this one coming.

So, how do you prepare your son to be a Soldier?

I have watched myself carefully over the past few days. I proceed with caution when I am about to speak. I am watching God at work in my son. Solider or not. Daily I have seen the ways in which we can prepare or children or deter our children.

To prepare my soldier

I watch him build.......a few Lego's at a time

brick upon brick his dreams become realities

more intricate

And although sometimes I wish he didn't.....................I do not stop him from his church bulletin doodles during worship.

I admire how his pride transcends the obvious and shows itself in even his recreation.

It shouldn't surprise me.......

But it does every time............ I watch him push his fears aside to step forward to do something out of character for him like he did on Saturday when he asked a "Real Marine" if he could try out 

Right here.
Right now.

Javier spent the day with my dad. The two of them are like minded in anything that deals with fishing, hunting, gutting, stinky, things.

This picture gets to me.
It is my boy among the men.
David who is not afraid to fight Goliath
Imagine that small voice speaking in 1 Samuel..
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty."
That is pure faith.

How do I prepare my Soldier.

My Solider may never see the sand of Afghanistan
He may never cross an Ocean

Regardless of whether my son acquires dog tags, M.D. behind his name, or a socket wrench as a tool for his trade he needs to be prepared.

But how?

I think to prepare a Soldier

the key is to prepare
His mothers heart.

God's got him covered.

I need to foster his freedom

to dream
to pursue
and yet
have courage to muddle through the uncertainties when life throws him a fast pitch

when his dreams have added dimensions
turn out differently than expected.

It will be OK

because his mom has constantly been preparing her heart
to let him go
to let God be the voice he listens to first
to cheer him on
to pick him up

Someday these dog tags may only say Soldier

Or not.
If they don't
I will not be because I stood in His way.

I will dedicate myself to preparing my Soldier for whatever battles and victories come his way.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

No one likes a Dream Stomper

Being Photography is one of my Passions one would assume I knew all there was to know about Focus.

For days I have been
down right CRABBY at times.

& sadly enough it is over my daughters garage sale.

A garage sale!  For crying out loud.  It is a little girls garage sale. 

Why do I focus on this:

The mess.
My Focus has been on the wrong side of the curtain.
WhatI should have been focusing on has been happening all along
just on the other side of the curtain.

Willingness to work

Teamwork, negotiations, communications

creativity , going beyond what is expected

Freedom with the proper Focus

Dang it anyway! 
They are even taking the opportunity to invite others to learn about Jesus at our church's upcoming Vacation Bible School
(you can sign up too by the way )

Look at those faces

Just look at them!
How dare I focus on the mess


This is where my husband is most likely wishing I would take my own advice and tell myself
"The mess will still be there later."
"For now, just go back to sleep."

But for now.
My daughter is carrying out a dream.
As a parent,  that is my focus.
To allow my kids to dream and attempt to carry them out to completion.
The song Two Sets of Jones' began filling my mind.
I always picture myself as the Jones Family I assume would be on Evelyn's side of the curtain.  
Positive in strife.  Slow to anger......etc.....etc.........etc.......
Psalm 23:4 is so true.  I need Thy Rod and Thy Staff.  They comfort me. 
I need the discipline.   The Rod. I need the Two Sets of Jones'  to pop in my head and set my focus. 
I need Thy Staff to lead me onto the other side of the curtain......
It is like putting my camera setting on Auto and letting God take over to show me what is important.
You may consider setting your Focus on Auto and seeing what God wants your focus to be on.
Without my Auto Pilot I would have been a Dream Stomper.
No one likes a Dream Stomper

Misled away from Joy

J is for Jesus
O is for Others
Y.....Y.....Y....Y..... is for You, yOu, yoUUUU
& because I sometimes I try to do things upside down, backwards, a little different from the norm and on my own
it only seems right that the caterpillars in my house would do the same.
So YOU can decide which Y you most enJOY to complete your JOY

I thought I could sit down for a quick second or two
And blog about how easy it is to find Joy
If a few caterpillars can spell it out, how hard can it be?
I will let you in on a little secret......
This morning it seemed difficult.
I read about Joy even in Sorrow.
Joy even though I have not seen what has been promised
Endurance, patience, and joyfully waiting.
I was looking for the fast food type Joy.
No waiting, endurance or suffering required.
Then I stumbled upon James 1:16
Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
For a few moments this morning I had been deceived.
I had set out to find joy spelled out for me.
Neon Sign JOY.
Mountain top JOY
After all if caterpillars can spell it out for me, shouldn't God plop it into my life everyday?
I even imagine God asking if I would like my Joy super sized today.
The answer is.
He does.
In two verses God simply...... almost sneakily reveals the answer to finding Joy
I just miss it.
I miss it because it is not spelled out in Neon.
He does plop it down in front of me though.
God gives me good and perfect gifts.
I just needed to be reminded to stop for a second and look around ....
Look around. Not for the one gift too large to carry.
Look around.
Grab on to the little gifts that are all around.
The verse reminds me God does not change .......the perfectly good gifts are all around.
They always have been
They will never go away either.
My job is to see the gifts.
Collect and acknowledge them
Then I will become refreshed in JOY
The Joy of a summer mist will suddenly become the downpour my parched heart yearned for.
His light shone through this mornings darkness to reveal how quickly shadows can shift here on earth and lead me away from the good
It almost begins to stir a little mountain top Joy in my heart.
My 10 year old is upstairs right now attempting to set up a garage sale fro Thursday and Saturday. Mind you, I wanted no part in set up, pricing or carrying out this adventure. But, I am the mom and sometimes we get to participate in these things by default. I promise. I will open my eyes up very wide and try to see the good gifts God is revealing to me even in what I perceive as suffering ;)
After all I did find Joy spelled out by a few caterpillars.