Friday, November 1, 2013

"Do you speak-a my language?"

Of course I listened to Men at Work I come from the land down under before starting this post.

The very last time I sat in this spot
I was 13 years old
I was a far away from home for the first time, timid & afraid
 &  as my sister would say -"still attached by the umbilical cord to mom"

For any gentleman readers you may want to skip down a few lines.
Not only was I 13, I was afraid, away from home-
AND.......I had also just gotten my period for the first time.

Not really knowing what was going on I was pretty sure that this would be the last day of my life.

Those thoughts were only confirmed when a very sweet camp counselor brought me to this special place. 

----"Side note"  Can you imagine what was going through that dear camp counselors mind.  Chances are good she tried to pawn me off on someone with more experience in these issues but she dealt the short straw. 

Anyway back to my story:  When we arrived at this special spot (which felt so deep into uncharted territory) She asked if I had Accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior?

Inside my mind I thought:  "Hold on sista!  I really am dying aren't I" 
My audible words were:  "I don't know?"

I vaguely remember trying to repeat a bunch of words after her.

-PAUSE- Let it be 100% clear I love that college age camp counselor who dared to make a difference in my life. She planted a seed in a VERY slow learner is all.  Besides, how many of you would have stepped up and taken on the challenge of a  scared (guys skip the next part) New Woman that didn't know where the heck a tampon or pad was really supposed to go.

I am in my 30's.
Which means I did not die at 13.
I am bad at numbers.
But I do know it has been several years since I sat in that place where the 13 year old me had been.

The 13 year old me.

What I wish I would have heard that day.

I wish I would have heard.

Be you.  I know at times it seems so very difficult....but do it.....Be the you I have created you to be.  Don't be ashamed.  Don't hide.  You are beautiful.  The world needs you....just the way you are.

As the (late) 30ish year old me sat.

I realized

I was told those words I wished I had heard.

It just  so happened I was not from the same place  my camp counselor was from.

I did not know the meaning of that sentence. 

There are not translators wandering deep in the forest for just these types of situations.

They were words from a land I had not been to before.

I did not speak-a her language.

*another side note- I did grow up going to church, etc......
Different churches -Different languages...
most likely the same or similar goals depending on the region.

-if you read my post at all you already know-
These are not my strong points.

So I do still beat myself up wondering....... How in all the world will I ever be good at proclaiming God's desires for you to be you.  Be His, eternally?

Well, it just so happened a friend I very much admire helped drive this message home by saying.
"We can not all be the mouth"

As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20

Yippee!  This was a big relief to me.
 It is possible for me to bring someone to Christ via bad grammar and punctuation!

By being me.

Now that I need not worry about always saying those big fancy words
I have declared.
I want to be the eye lash.
The eye lash does have an important job.
The eye lash can at time be a real bother though, if it gets under your contact.
 I am sure at times I am just like the eyelash under your contact.

But gosh darn it.  This is a great new discovery. 

Don't get me wrong.  I am still gonna :) Post misspelled blogs

.Getting this onto the screen helps me process.
 I may be just the solution for all those non-English scholar type people that understand things better when I show my weaknesses.

It just may be someones language.

I actually may prevent someone from living Down Under.

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